Why Study Poker

When you're just getting started with poker, playing it is just one part of the learning process, you can enjoy it at sites provided by warsawpokertour.com site. If you want to move from being a novice to an expert, you should also spend time away from the card table studying the ins and outs of the game. Reading a few books about it isn't enough. To get a true grasp on the game, you should study the books in depth and review the concepts of the game.

Poker Books

While there are plenty of books available that discuss poker, most don't go deep enough to allow you sufficient study with video poker game. There are some exceptions, such as the Harrington on Holdem series, though. Some books also include quizzes at the end that let you test your knowledge, but most don't contain enough material to help you advance in the game.


Many books are full of concepts that even a beginning poker player can put into practice in a game or other games like keno game. Plenty of players do use these concepts in games, but don't fully understand the reasoning behind them. That means that many players use concepts they've only read about incorrectly, giving their opponents a leg up in the game. If you hope to move up in the world of poker, studying concepts thoroughly and knowing not only when to use them, but also why, will help you better your game.

Study Time

A serious student of poker should devote a considerable amount of time to studying. It's recommended that a student spend about one third of all time focused on poker studying. For every three hours of poker time, for example, a student should spend two at the table and one studying. Studying can include reading books, reviewing hands or discussing hands with other players. The exact amount of time you spend learning more about the game depends on how much time you have to dedicate to the subject overall with online poker.

Too Much Study

It is possible to spend too much time studying. You need to balance study with actual playing time, so that you can put what you've learned to good use. The forumpokerfrance.com site is a brand new forum de poker en ligne for novice and casino pros. It offers the classic-type casino games as well as 3D titles that are already popular amongst players. The deals provided are equally impressive. Fit in a game or two each day, especially after learning about a new concept.

Studying poker helps you stay ahead of your opponents when at the table. While study is important, poker players should remember that it's just as important to work playing time into their schedules as it is to fit in study time.